Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dick's Fine Foods

I have no idea. This abandoned place on Division near 32nd was long gone before I lived here but the sign was super-charming so I Photoshopped it back to life because that's the sort of thing I do sometimes.
Does anyone remember this place at all? Air conditioning! After this I'm going to go check into a motel with color TV!


  1. Heck yes I remember Dick's. Just one block north of 36th in Godwin Heights. Prototypical greasy spoon, great place for chow after the bars closed. Counter in the front with booths along the wall, overflow room in the back with tables. Fried potatoes as greasy as they could make them. What a place!

  2. Dick's Galley, pirate/nautical motif.

  3. There used to be a cool record store next door to Dick's...I bought a Metallica "Kill 'Em All" picture disc there in about 1987...

  4. That Record store that you're referring to was Radio Kilroy. They moved to 44th Street just east of Division. They eventually got swallowed up by the Best Buys of the world and closed their doors in the late 1990's.. Oh btw, Geoffery....I just placed an order for a couple of t-shirts....I really want the North Kent Mall shirt too....two or three weeks ago, I saw that it was still available and then I went to order today and it was gone! Send me a message on here or an email if you'd like to make it happen...take care!

  5. Aww, Dicks fine foods where you cab buy a huge plate of fries for a dollar! Best lunch ever.

  6. Jeff, this is a fascinating blog! Any new posts coming? BTW I've always wondered about Dick's Fine Foods.
    Why is the sign still up? What's in the space now? I'm picturing cobwebs and a mummified rat and red leather booths.Old glassware behind the bar and dusty plates stacked in the kitchen. A cool old toothpick dispenser by the cash register.

  7. During its last days, Martin Morales used to rent the place on Sundays (as I recall) and prepare all his recipes from the old (then closed) Little Mexico Cafe. That didn't last too long, but if you craved Little Mex food (I still miss it) it was heaven.

  8. I used to eat there in the early/mid 90s.

    Each booth had it's own little jukebox. The waitresses would serve you from the kitchen area, and the foot was always hot - and wonderfully greasy. The coffee was just terrific, made with some ancient Bunn machine. My GF and I were regulars to the point where the waitresses knew us by first name. Still miss the place.

  9. I was only 17 (In the mid 60s) the first time I ate at Dicks Galley. Went there with a friend who became my bro-in-law. Don't know when it closed its doors, but I was a regular there for about 25yrs through the 1980s. I was back in MI for a visit in 2010 & it had closed sometime before that.

  10. They took the sign down today 😪 I was a student at Godwin HS in the mid eighties, loved going there for lunch!

  11. Went there every Friday night with my parents after their bowling league at Chez

  12. Went there every Friday night with my parents after their bowling league at Chez

  13. Hell yes, if you grew up in Godwin Heights and I did, Dick's Galley was always there. The food was pretty awful, but it was a cool hangout. The Red Lion is the place I miss and that was where El Ranchero is now, just on the other side of 36th next to the Vacuum store. Best chili dogs ever!

  14. just found this at an estate sale in Portland oregon

  15. Aways loved their breakfast there. Sad to see it go! Glad you took a picture of the sign. it is gone now. Glad I was raised in the late 50's and through the 60's in GR. Use to live next to the Fry House on Chicago Dr. Can't find a picture of it but lived in the house next door. Great hamburgers and was open all night! Listened to the jukebox for free all night long. THOSE WERE THE DAYS!

  16. I worked there in the 70's. Fun place. Richard Niece (owner) also owned Der Steak Haus. Also worked there.

  17. Final thought...I worked with 'Dirty Girdy' (cook). She retired from there.

  18. I used to go there with my Dad and some other friends back in the 80’s and 90’s. The graffiti in the men’s bathroom always cracked me up. Good greasy food and good times!
