Friday, June 10, 2016

Renovating The West Side Signal Tower

I've always liked that old railroad signal tower on Bridge Street in front of El Sombrero restaurant.  A cool piece of history that has been there as long as I can remember.  Come to find out it's been there 125 years!
There is a ton of new development happening on the West Side lately and quite a bit of the old is leaving to make room for the new.  I am glad that some of the plans try to respect the history of the area.
The new owners of El Sombrero took down the old signal tower the other day with plans to restore it.  It'll be cool to see what they do with it...

Photos by Maxwell Crosby, We Are Westsiders


  1. Any idea when it will be back up?

  2. Haven't heard anything about when it'll be back.

  3. My grandfather, John Radawski, worked in that watch tower.

    Geraldine Radawski Roberts
