.... Or "Sveden House" if you prefer. I've seen it spelled both ways.
The postcard I found above is one of the few bits of ephemera I could
come across anywhere online. I remember the place having the fireplace
and unusual decor that made me feel like I was in a castle or something.
Was it really this over the top?
I think of this place every so often and wish I could go there and eat and eat and eat until I become physically ill, like I did my junior year of highschool. Our class won some kind of sweepsakes put on by the company that made our class rings and the prize was having our whole class bussed out to Sveden House in Grand Rapids. I am pretty sure it was the one on 28th St.
I went to school out in a little town in the cornfields so this was kind of a big deal, getting to come to the metropolis of Grand Rapids and feast at this place.
Sveden House restaurants were in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin
Besides the one on 28th St. I believe there was another on
Plainfield. It's been so long since the last time I went, I really can't remember
the quality of the food but I'm guessing I wasn't old enough to be too
I went looking to see if there were any of these restraunts still left anywhere. I would seriously get some people together and road-trip out of state if need be to dine at Sveden House once more. Alas, the most info I could find was for one in Livonia on a few different restaurant listing/review sites. The one and only review is dated 2005. I am guessing that it can't have stayed open much longer after that year. Google street view shows a depressing-looking plaza with abandoned buildings.
After finding most traces of Sveden House erased from existence, I was happy to score this on ebay...
With the "w" spelling." That Valkyrie is kinda hot.
So goodbye forever, Sweden (Sveden) House. I'll kinda miss you. The Schnitzelbank as well, now that I think of it.